How Can UK Home Decor Brands Utilize Pinterest to Drive Website Traffic?

April 8, 2024

For many home decor brands, Pinterest is more than just a social media platform. It’s a visual search engine and a significant source of website traffic, product discovery, and sales. If you run a UK-based home decor business, Pinterest can be a powerful tool to drive people to your website and convert them into customers. In this article, we’ll explore the ways you can leverage Pinterest to increase your website traffic and ultimately grow your business.

Understanding Pinterest and its Users

Before diving into Pinterest marketing strategies, it’s essential to understand the platform and its users. Pinterest is a social media platform where users create and manage theme-based image collections called boards. Users can browse other people’s boards for inspiration, ‘re-pin’ images to their own boards, or ‘like’ photos.

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Pinterest users, also known as Pinners, are generally looking for inspiration, ideas, or products to purchase. They use Pinterest to discover and save creative ideas and find products that they can purchase online or in-store. This unique aspect makes Pinterest a goldmine for businesses, particularly in the home decor sector.

According to Pinterest, 83% of weekly users have made a purchase based on content they found from brands on Pinterest. This means that if you’re not leveraging Pinterest for your business, you could be missing out on a significant chunk of potential website traffic and conversion opportunities.

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Creating a Pinterest Business Account

To get started with Pinterest marketing, you’ll need to create a business account. This is a straightforward process. Visit the Pinterest website and click on the ‘Create a business account’ option.

A Pinterest business account gives you access to Pinterest Analytics and other helpful tools that can help you track and improve your Pinterest marketing efforts. You’ll be able to see which pins are driving the most traffic to your website, which boards are most popular, and what kind of content your audience prefers.

Once you’ve created your business account, make sure to fill out all information thoroughly, including a profile picture, brand name, website link, and a description of your business.

Building Your Pinterest Presence

Building a Pinterest presence involves more than just uploading pins. It requires a strategic approach that appeals to your target audience and encourages them to engage with your pins and visit your website.

Start by creating boards that align with your brand and products. For example, if you sell vintage home decor, you can create boards like "Vintage Living Room Decor Ideas" or "Rustic Bedroom Inspiration".

Creating high-quality, engaging pins is crucial. Each pin should have a high-resolution image, a descriptive title, and a detailed description that includes relevant keywords. This will not only make your pins more searchable but will also make it more likely that users will engage with your pins and click through to your website.

Leveraging Pinterest Marketing Tools

Pinterest provides several marketing tools that can help you extend your reach and drive more website traffic. One of these tools is Promoted Pins, Pinterest’s version of paid advertising.

Promoted Pins are regular pins that you pay to have displayed to more people. They’re a great way to get your products in front of more people and drive more traffic to your website.

Another useful tool is Pinterest’s Rich Pins. These are pins that include extra information right on the pin itself. There are four types of Rich Pins: Product, Recipe, Article, and App. If you’re a home decor brand, Product Rich Pins could be an excellent tool for you. They include real-time pricing, availability, and where to buy your product – making it easy for users to purchase your product directly from Pinterest.

Engaging With the Pinterest Community

Remember, Pinterest is not just about promoting your products. It’s also a social media platform, which means engagement is key. Regularly engaging with other users by commenting on their pins, repinning their content, and responding to comments on your pins can help you build a strong Pinterest community that can drive more traffic to your website.

Remember to keep your interactions genuine and relevant. This will help you build a strong brand presence and ensure that your community feels valued, respected and engaged.

By understanding Pinterest and its users, creating a business account, building a strong Pinterest presence, leveraging Pinterest’s marketing tools, and engaging with the Pinterest community, UK home decor brands can effectively utilize Pinterest to drive significant website traffic.

Optimising Your Pinterest SEO

To make the most of the Pinterest platform, UK home decor brands need to consider search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies. Pinterest operates as a visual search engine, and just like any other search engine, it uses algorithms to decide which pins show up in a user’s feed or search results.

Know that Pinterest SEO revolves around keywords. Users type in keywords to find content they’re interested in, and Pinterest matches these keywords with your pins, boards, and even your business account information. Hence, understanding what keywords your target audience uses and incorporating them into your Pinterest account is essential.

Begin by researching keywords related to home decor. Tools such as the ‘Pinterest Trends’ tool can be useful for this. Once you’ve identified relevant keywords, incorporate them into your pin titles, descriptions, board names, and even your business account’s ‘About’ section.

For instance, if you’ve found that users are frequently searching for "boho home decor," you could create a board named "Boho Home Decor Ideas" and fill it with pins that feature bohemian-inspired home decor items from your online store.

Pin descriptions also play a crucial role in Pinterest SEO. An effective pin description is not just stuffed with keywords, but it also provides value to the user. Try to make your descriptions informative, engaging, and invite users to click through to your website.

Converting Pinterest Traffic into Sales

Driving traffic to your website via Pinterest is a significant achievement, but the ultimate goal is to convert this traffic into sales. This requires a seamless transition from your Pinterest account to your online shop, an engaging online store that showcases your products effectively, and a straightforward checkout process.

To ensure a smooth transition, make sure the landing pages linked from your pins match the content of your pins. If a user clicks on a pin featuring a modern minimalist lamp, they should be taken directly to the product page for that specific lamp in your online store.

Your online store’s interface plays a significant role in converting Pinterest traffic into sales. It should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provide clear information about your products. High-quality product images, detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and information about shipping and returns can all contribute to an engaging online shopping experience.

Finally, the checkout process should be simple and secure. Offering multiple payment options and making sure your payment gateway is secure can help convert Pinterest users into customers.

To summarise, by understanding the Pinterest platform and its users, UK home decor brands can optimise their Pinterest marketing strategy to drive significant website traffic. From creating a Pinterest business account to leveraging Pinterest’s marketing tools such as promoted pins and rich pins, brands can effectively utilise Pinterest. Engagement with the Pinterest community and careful attention to Pinterest SEO can further boost traffic, while an engaging online store and a straightforward checkout process can convert this traffic into sales.

The power of Pinterest lies not just in its ability to drive traffic, but also in its role as a discovery platform. By showcasing inspiring and purchasable home decor ideas, brands can inspire users to turn their dream homes into reality – and that’s the true beauty of Pinterest marketing.